Fine-grained capturing of 3D HOI boosts human activity understanding and facilitates downstream visual tasks, including action recognition, holistic scene reconstruction, and human motion synthesis. Despite its significance, existing works mostly assume that humans interact with rigid objects using only a few body parts, limiting their scope. In this paper, we address the challenging problem of f-AHOI, wherein the whole human bodies interact with articulated objects, whose parts are connected by movable joints. We present CHAIRS, a large-scale motion-captured f-AHOI dataset, consisting of 16.2 hours of versatile interactions between 46 participants and 81 articulated and rigid sittable objects. CHAIRS provides 3D meshes of both humans and articulated objects during the entire interactive process, as well as realistic and physically plausible full-body interactions. We show the value of CHAIRS with object pose estimation. By learning the geometrical relationships in HOI, we devise the very first model that leverage human pose estimation to tackle the estimation of articulated object poses and shapes during whole-body interactions. Given an image and an estimated human pose, our model first reconstructs the pose and shape of the object, then optimizes the reconstruction according to a learned interaction prior. Under both evaluation settings (e.g., with or without the knowledge of objects' geometries/structures), our model significantly outperforms baselines. We hope CHAIRS will promote the community towards finer-grained interaction understanding. We will make the data/code publicly available.
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When a large language model (LLM) performs complex reasoning by chain of thought (CoT), it can be highly sensitive to individual mistakes. We have had to train verifiers to address this issue. As we all know, after human inferring a conclusion, they often check it by re-verifying it, which can avoid some mistakes. We propose a new method called self-verification that uses the conclusion of the CoT as a condition to build a new sample and asks the LLM to re-predict the original conditions which be masked. We calculate an explainable verification score based on the accuracy. This method can improve the accuracy of multiple arithmetics and logical reasoning datasets when using few-shot learning. we have demonstrated that LLMs can conduct explainable self-verification of their own conclusions and achieve competitive reasoning performance. Extensive experimentals have demonstrated that our method can help multiple large language models with self-verification can avoid interference from incorrect CoT. Code is available at \url{}
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Image-based head swapping task aims to stitch a source head to another source body flawlessly. This seldom-studied task faces two major challenges: 1) Preserving the head and body from various sources while generating a seamless transition region. 2) No paired head swapping dataset and benchmark so far. In this paper, we propose an image-based head swapping framework (HS-Diffusion) which consists of a semantic-guided latent diffusion model (SG-LDM) and a semantic layout generator. We blend the semantic layouts of source head and source body, and then inpaint the transition region by the semantic layout generator, achieving a coarse-grained head swapping. SG-LDM can further implement fine-grained head swapping with the blended layout as condition by a progressive fusion process, while preserving source head and source body with high-quality reconstruction. To this end, we design a head-cover augmentation strategy for training and a neck alignment trick for geometric realism. Importantly, we construct a new image-based head swapping benchmark and propose two tailor-designed metrics (Mask-FID and Focal-FID). Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our framework. The code will be available:
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Recently, the self-supervised pre-training paradigm has shown great potential in leveraging large-scale unlabeled data to improve downstream task performance. However, increasing the scale of unlabeled pre-training data in real-world scenarios requires prohibitive computational costs and faces the challenge of uncurated samples. To address these issues, we build a task-specific self-supervised pre-training framework from a data selection perspective based on a simple hypothesis that pre-training on the unlabeled samples with similar distribution to the target task can bring substantial performance gains. Buttressed by the hypothesis, we propose the first yet novel framework for Scalable and Efficient visual Pre-Training (SEPT) by introducing a retrieval pipeline for data selection. SEPT first leverage a self-supervised pre-trained model to extract the features of the entire unlabeled dataset for retrieval pipeline initialization. Then, for a specific target task, SEPT retrievals the most similar samples from the unlabeled dataset based on feature similarity for each target instance for pre-training. Finally, SEPT pre-trains the target model with the selected unlabeled samples in a self-supervised manner for target data finetuning. By decoupling the scale of pre-training and available upstream data for a target task, SEPT achieves high scalability of the upstream dataset and high efficiency of pre-training, resulting in high model architecture flexibility. Results on various downstream tasks demonstrate that SEPT can achieve competitive or even better performance compared with ImageNet pre-training while reducing the size of training samples by one magnitude without resorting to any extra annotations.
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Attention-based arbitrary style transfer studies have shown promising performance in synthesizing vivid local style details. They typically use the all-to-all attention mechanism: each position of content features is fully matched to all positions of style features. However, all-to-all attention tends to generate distorted style patterns and has quadratic complexity. It virtually limits both the effectiveness and efficiency of arbitrary style transfer. In this paper, we rethink what kind of attention mechanism is more appropriate for arbitrary style transfer. Our answer is a novel all-to-key attention mechanism: each position of content features is matched to key positions of style features. Specifically, it integrates two newly proposed attention forms: distributed and progressive attention. Distributed attention assigns attention to multiple key positions; Progressive attention pays attention from coarse to fine. All-to-key attention promotes the matching of diverse and reasonable style patterns and has linear complexity. The resultant module, dubbed StyA2K, has fine properties in rendering reasonable style textures and maintaining consistent local structure. Qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate that our method achieves superior results than state-of-the-art approaches.
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Monocular depth estimation is a challenging problem on which deep neural networks have demonstrated great potential. However, depth maps predicted by existing deep models usually lack fine-grained details due to the convolution operations and the down-samplings in networks. We find that increasing input resolution is helpful to preserve more local details while the estimation at low resolution is more accurate globally. Therefore, we propose a novel depth map fusion module to combine the advantages of estimations with multi-resolution inputs. Instead of merging the low- and high-resolution estimations equally, we adopt the core idea of Poisson fusion, trying to implant the gradient domain of high-resolution depth into the low-resolution depth. While classic Poisson fusion requires a fusion mask as supervision, we propose a self-supervised framework based on guided image filtering. We demonstrate that this gradient-based composition performs much better at noisy immunity, compared with the state-of-the-art depth map fusion method. Our lightweight depth fusion is one-shot and runs in real-time, making our method 80X faster than a state-of-the-art depth fusion method. Quantitative evaluations demonstrate that the proposed method can be integrated into many fully convolutional monocular depth estimation backbones with a significant performance boost, leading to state-of-the-art results of detail enhancement on depth maps.
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Image super-resolution is a common task on mobile and IoT devices, where one often needs to upscale and enhance low-resolution images and video frames. While numerous solutions have been proposed for this problem in the past, they are usually not compatible with low-power mobile NPUs having many computational and memory constraints. In this Mobile AI challenge, we address this problem and propose the participants to design an efficient quantized image super-resolution solution that can demonstrate a real-time performance on mobile NPUs. The participants were provided with the DIV2K dataset and trained INT8 models to do a high-quality 3X image upscaling. The runtime of all models was evaluated on the Synaptics VS680 Smart Home board with a dedicated edge NPU capable of accelerating quantized neural networks. All proposed solutions are fully compatible with the above NPU, demonstrating an up to 60 FPS rate when reconstructing Full HD resolution images. A detailed description of all models developed in the challenge is provided in this paper.
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Speech representation learning has improved both speech understanding and speech synthesis tasks for single language. However, its ability in cross-lingual scenarios has not been explored. In this paper, we extend the pretraining method for cross-lingual multi-speaker speech synthesis tasks, including cross-lingual multi-speaker voice cloning and cross-lingual multi-speaker speech editing. We propose a speech-text joint pretraining framework, where we randomly mask the spectrogram and the phonemes given a speech example and its transcription. By learning to reconstruct the masked parts of the input in different languages, our model shows great improvements over speaker-embedding-based multi-speaker TTS methods. Moreover, our framework is end-to-end for both the training and the inference without any finetuning effort. In cross-lingual multi-speaker voice cloning and cross-lingual multi-speaker speech editing tasks, our experiments show that our model outperforms speaker-embedding-based multi-speaker TTS methods. The code and model are publicly available at PaddleSpeech.
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is having a tremendous impact across most areas of science. Applications of AI in healthcare have the potential to improve our ability to detect, diagnose, prognose, and intervene on human disease. For AI models to be used clinically, they need to be made safe, reproducible and robust, and the underlying software framework must be aware of the particularities (e.g. geometry, physiology, physics) of medical data being processed. This work introduces MONAI, a freely available, community-supported, and consortium-led PyTorch-based framework for deep learning in healthcare. MONAI extends PyTorch to support medical data, with a particular focus on imaging, and provide purpose-specific AI model architectures, transformations and utilities that streamline the development and deployment of medical AI models. MONAI follows best practices for software-development, providing an easy-to-use, robust, well-documented, and well-tested software framework. MONAI preserves the simple, additive, and compositional approach of its underlying PyTorch libraries. MONAI is being used by and receiving contributions from research, clinical and industrial teams from around the world, who are pursuing applications spanning nearly every aspect of healthcare.
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The angular momentum of galaxies (galaxy spin) contains rich information about the initial condition of the Universe, yet it is challenging to efficiently measure the spin direction for the tremendous amount of galaxies that are being mapped by the ongoing and forthcoming cosmological surveys. We present a machine learning based classifier for the Z-wise vs S-wise spirals, which can help to break the degeneracy in the galaxy spin direction measurement. The proposed Chirality Equivariant Residual Network (CE-ResNet) is manifestly equivariant under a reflection of the input image, which guarantees that there is no inherent asymmetry between the Z-wise and S-wise probability estimators. We train the model with Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) images, with the training labels given by the Galaxy Zoo 1 (GZ1) project. A combination of data augmentation tricks are used during the training, making the model more robust to be applied to other surveys. We find a $\sim\!30\%$ increase of both types of spirals when Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) images are used for classification, due to the better imaging quality of DESI. We verify that the $\sim\!7\sigma$ difference between the numbers of Z-wise and S-wise spirals is due to human bias, since the discrepancy drops to $<\!1.8\sigma$ with our CE-ResNet classification results. We discuss the potential systematics that are relevant to the future cosmological applications.
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